
  • A Terrible Thing Happened by Margaret Holmes (Children's Book)

    A tenderly illustrated children's story that addresses various traumatic experiences, including violence, abuse, accidents, and natural disasters, offering gentle guidance for those who have witnessed such events.

  • A Kids Book About School Shootings by Crystal Woodman Miller

    Addressing the rising occurrence of school shootings, this book urges crucial conversations between adults and children, emphasizing preparedness without succumbing to fear. It highlights the significance of maintaining normalcy amidst such challenges.

  • Once I Was Very Scared by Chandra Ghosh Ippen

    This story depicts various animal reactions to frightening experiences, emphasizing diverse coping mechanisms like hiding, clinging, and avoidance. It advocates for adult assistance in creating a secure environment and fostering effective emotional management for children.

  • Sesame Street

    Sesame Workshop provides family resources about tough topics on their website. Whether children are directly or indirectly exposed to violent events, there are ways to help them feel safer and more secure.

  • National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network

    Our Mission is to raise the standard of care and improve access to services for traumatized children, their families and communities throughout the United States.

  • Child Life Disaster Relief

    Child Life Disaster Relief integrates child life professionals' services into affected communities, providing tailored support, community outreach, education, and research. Their aim is to empower and assist children and families in crisis situations.